Smiles Air


Project Name Description
Hierarchical Occlusion Maps (HOM-DEB)

Hierarchical Occlusion Maps
A standard implementation of Hierarchical Occlusion Maps (HOM) with Depth Elimination Buffer (DEB). Basically, the scene of RED occluders are rendered to a small offscreen buffer, then each BLUE box is tested against the smallest mip of the RED occluders scene for coverage. In this demo the lower right scene is the 'real' camera and the large scene is a dummy camera to allow the user to see what is going on.

Executable and Source
Runge–Kutta Physics Cloth (RK4)

Cloth simulation using Runge-Kutta 4. Cloth is created by connecting springs together in a grid pattern with diagonals. Also every second and third corner are connected in the 4 cardinal directions for stability. All math is done in 3 space even though the controls and framework render in 2 dimensions. You may need to download the Microsoft DirectX runtimes to run this appliaction which you can find here.

Executable and Source
Perlin Noise in C#

Perlin Noise
Naive implementation of Perlin noise. Adjusatable layers and written c#. Uses an inefficient method where each pixel is calculated seperately. Later versions will generate all layer textures first and then blend them together.

Executable and Source